The Foundation for Children works to improve the lives and reduce the suffering of the most disadvantaged young people in the UK and around the world by supporting them directly or working with outstanding charity partners.
The FFC delivers life changing initiatives as we believe all young people deserve a brighter future and the FFC helps to address disadvantage and reduce suffering. We do this through our Forgotten Children programme which typically works in partnership with other charities focussing their efforts in a similar field.
Within the FFC we have worked over many years to support more than twenty organisations that work to reduce poverty and suffering for young people and have made over £500,000 of funding available, supporting thousands of young people across the world.

Alan Shearer Foundation
The Alan Shearer Foundation has three specific aims: To provide a number of free short breaks for profoundly disabled children and adults at the Alan Shearer Short Break Centre every year To continue to offer free sensory facilities and specialist leisure activities for the disabled users of the Alan Shearer Activity Centre To enable

Shooting Star Chase
In September 2017 we co-hosted a fundraising event with Shooting Star Chase with the support of Phillip and Stephanie Schofield and raised over £120,000. Shooting Star Chase is a leading children’s hospice charity caring for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families.

Comic Relief
In 2010 the Peter Jones Foundation pledged its support to a Comic Relief programme in Africa’s biggest slum, Kibera in Kenya. In November 2011 Peter travelled to the region to see for himself the work that had been done with the Foundation’s financial support.

Youth Adventure Trust
Established in 1992 by two record-breaking Arctic climbers Major Richard Mitchell and David Hempleman-Adams, this fantastic organisation allows 400 vulnerable children each year to take part in summer residential events. These events help to teach the children to work together, take on new challenges and develop a greater sense of self-worth and confidence.

The Purley Youth Project
This is a charity of huge benefit to its local community which organises an after-school children’s club in Purley, Surrey. For the majority of children who attend, the club provides vital respite from difficult home lives where trained volunteers pay attention to their problems and they can feel safe and relaxed.

The Jessie May Trust
Established by Chris and Philippa Purrington after the death of their baby daughter, Jessie May, the trust provides nursing care at home for children who have a terminal illness and are not expected to live beyond the age of 19.

Leukaemia Research
Leukaemia Research is the only national research charity devoted exclusively to leukaemia, and its related blood disorders. They receive no government grants and depend entirely on voluntary donations.