The Peter Jones Foundation exists to provide young people and disadvantaged groups with the enterprise skills and experiences needed to better prepare them for successful employment or self-employment. We believe that with the right mix of opportunity and support, every young person has the potential to achieve great things and the right to a brighter future.
The UK is facing a growing skills gap and more and more young people are at risk of being out of employment or training when they leave school. We believe helping young people develop core enterprise skills is vital to increasing employability, life chances and happiness. At the same time, we are seeing an increase in young people’s interest in entrepreneurship with more and more setting up side hustles, becoming freelancers and exploring entrepreneurialism as a pathway. We’d like every child in the UK to have the opportunity of setting up and running a business in school and, in doing so, develop the core skills and confidence to succeed, whatever pathway they choose.
of young people have never been taught about running their own business
of young founders experienced barriers to finance their business
total cost to the UK economy of low essential skills
£22.2 Bn
in the growth of side-hustles
over the past decade

Over the past 15 years we have worked with young people across the UK. Our network of Alumni are the greatest testament to the power of enterprise and entrepreneurship.
of our alumni are in education, training or employment
of our alumni have started their own businesses
of founders feel more employable
of start-ups funded turned a profit